World Population day,2021

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Today, July 11 is recognized as World Population Day. This day is celebrated with the aim of controlling the increasing population in the world. We are all familiar with the problems of increasing population, but despite all the efforts, the rate of population control is very low. China is the most populous country in the world and second only to India in terms of population. Let us know the history of Population Day. Why is World Population Day celebrated? What is the importance of Population Day?

World Population day,2021

World Population Day

How the population is increasing, you can see it on a website called Worldometers. This website shows live population growth. Right now, according to the data till the time I am writing this blog, on Sunday, July 11, 2021, more than 1,78,000 children have been born all over the world and its pace is going on as per the second. Death figures are also shown live on this website, so far more than 76,000 people have died in the whole world on the basis of death.

This year, the 42 crores 63 lakh population has increased all over the world while more than 30,850,945 people have died all over the world. In this way, more than 73 crore 48 lakh children have been born this year.

How fast the speed of population has increased, it can be understood from this figure—-    

  • 5 Billion:  1987
  • 4 Billion: 1974
  • 3 Billion: 1960
  • 2 Billion: 1930
  • 1 Billion: 1804


And till today the total population of the world – 7,878,523 is 250.

Population by religion all over the world

  • Christian          – 31.5%
    Muslim             -23.2%
    Atheistic           -16.3%
    Hindu               -15%
    Buddhist          -7.1%
    folk religious   – 5.9 5
    Other religions – 0.8%
    Jews                 – 0.2%


The increasing population has become a major cause of trouble around the world. Because of this illiteracy, unemployment, hunger, and poverty are becoming uncontrolled. According to Worldometers, at present the total population of the world is more than 7 billion 87 crore 85 lakhs. The population is increasing by the number of lakhs every day. At present, China is the most populous country in the world, while India is in second place. Where the population of China is more than one billion 44 crores, then the population of India is more than one billion 39 crores.

Family planning programs are being run all over the world for population control, but there is a lack of awareness among the people. World Population Day (World Population Day) is celebrated every year on 11 July to make aware of this increasing population around the world.

When did it start World Population Day ?

On 11 July 1989, the United Nations decided to celebrate World Population Day at the General Assembly. In fact, by the year 1987, the world’s population had reached five billion, which had become a matter of concern. That is why celebrating this day was started to make people around the world aware of the growing population.

What is the theme of World Population Day 2021?

This year the theme of World Population Day 2021 is ‘Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Fertility’. This year it will be celebrated globally to shed more light on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive behavior.

How is Population Day celebrated?

On this day people are introduced to various measures to control the population all over the world. Apart from this, the issue of family planning is also discussed. On this day, there are population control programs in place, and through those programs, efforts are made to make people aware, so that the increasing population can be controlled.

Top 20 Largest Countries by Population

1 China      –             1,445,049,476

2 India        –            1,394,132,506

3 U.S.A.    –               333,009,404

4 Indonesia   –           276,539,479

5 Pakistan   –             225,437,193

6 Brazil      –               214,125,083

7 Nigeria     –              211,607,392

8 Bangladesh –          166,398,326

9 Russia         –           145,998,529

10 Mexico      –          130,345,054

11 Japan         –          126,082,524

12 Ethiopia    –          118,011,039

13 Philippines   –       111,109,417

14 Egypt          –       104,377,513

15 Vietnam       –      98,249,197

16 D.R. Congo   –     92,506,321

17 Turkey           –    85,285,674

18 Germany      –      84,059,594

19 Iran               –     85,118,458

20 Thailand     –      69,979,970


Estimated world population by 2050

(July 1)
Population Yearly %
Median Age Fertility
Pop %
Urban Population
2020 7,794,798,739 1.10% 83,000,320 31 2.47 52 56.2% 4,378,993,944
2025   8,184,437,460 0.98% 77,927,744 32 2.54 55 58.3% 4,774,646,303,
2030 8,548,487,400 0.87% 72,809,988 33 2.62 57 60.4% 5,167,257,546
2035 8,887,524,213 0.78% 67,807,363 34 2.70 60 62.5% 5,555,833,477
2040 9,198,847,240 0.69% 62,264,605 35 2.77 62 64.6% 5,938,249,026
2045 9,481,803,274 0.61% 56,591,207 35 2.85 64 66.6% 6,312,544,819
2050 9,735,033,990 0.53% 50,646,143 36 2.95 65 68.6% 6,679,756,162


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